
node v10.24.1
version: 1.0.0
let shoppingCart = [ { productTitle: "Functional Programming", type: "books", amount: 10 }, { productTitle: "Kindle", type: "eletronics", amount: 30 }, { productTitle: "Shoes", type: "fashion", amount: 20 }, { productTitle: "Clean Code", type: "books", amount: 60 } ] function getTotalAmount(shoppingCart) { return shoppingCart.reduce((acc, obj) => { return obj.type === 'books' ? acc + obj.amount : acc },0) } function imperativeGetTotalAmount(shoppingCart) { let rTot = 0 for(let item of shoppingCart) rTot += item.type==='books' && item.amount return rTot } console.log(getTotalAmount(shoppingCart)) console.log(imperativeGetTotalAmount(shoppingCart)) function genTestAry(numElements) { let A = [], i=0, prod=["books", "eletronics", "fashion", "diy", "health"] while (i<numElements) { A.push({productTitle:'', ['type']: prod[~~(i%5)], amount: 10}) i++ } return A } // Generate const sCart = genTestAry(100000) console.log('sCart length',sCart.length) console.time('getTotalAmount') console.log(getTotalAmount(sCart)) console.timeEnd('getTotalAmount') console.time('imperativeGetTotalAmount') console.log(imperativeGetTotalAmount(sCart)) console.timeEnd('imperativeGetTotalAmount')

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