
node v8.17.0
version: 3.0.0
const moment = require('moment') const qs = require('querystring') const mongoose = require('mongoose') // ============================================================================= // DB CONNECTION DETAILS const dbUser = process.env.EXPORT_STATS_MONGO_USER const dbPwd = process.env.EXPORT_STATS_MONGO_PWD const dbHost = process.env.EXPORT_STATS_MONGO_HOST const dbPort = process.env.EXPORT_STATS_MONGO_PORT const dbDb = process.env.EXPORT_STATS_MONGO_DB const dbConn = `mongodb://${dbUser}:${dbPwd}@${dbHost}:${dbPort}/${dbDb}` // ============================================================================= // SCHEMA FOR AN EXPORT RECORD const Schema = mongoose.Schema const exportSchema = new Schema({ date: { type: Date, default: }, exportSuccessful: Boolean, month: Number, week: Number, weekDay: String }) const Export = mongoose.model('Export', exportSchema) // ============================================================================= // A BUNCH OF VARIABLES NEEDED IN SEVERAL PLACES let db const errMsg = `Really sorry but for some weird reason I couldn't save the export. Please see an administrator with this info:` // ============================================================================= // CHECK FOR AN EXISTING RECORD IN THE DATABASE const checkForExistingRecord = async (date) => { const _start = date.clone().utc().startOf('day') const _end = date.clone().utc().endOf('day') const exArr = await Export.find({date: { $gte: _start, $lte: _end }}) const existsAlready = exArr.length console.log(`existsAlready: ${existsAlready}, start: ${_start}, end: ${_end}`) return existsAlready > 0 } // ============================================================================= // SAVE A NEW RECORD IN THE DATABASE const saveNewRecord = async (exportSuccessful, date) => { console.log(`About to add document to database ...`) // prepare the data to save in the database const anExport = new Export({ date: date.toDate(), exportSuccessful: exportSuccessful, month: date.month(), week: date.week(), weekDay: date.format('ddd') }) const res = await console.log(`SAVED EXPORT RES: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`) return res } // ============================================================================= // IF INCORRECT URL OR VERB USED REFUSE const invalidRoutes = (request, response) => { // only accept requests for the actual endpoint if (request.url !== '/') { response.statusCode = 404 response.end(`'${request.url}' not handled.`) return // only accept POST requests } else if (request.method !== 'POST') { // if comes by to check say everything is fine. if (request.headers['user-agent'].includes('')) { response.statusCode = 200 response.end(`OK - uptimerobot`) return } response.statusCode = 405 response.end(`Unsupported method '${request.method}', use 'POST'.`) return } } // ============================================================================= // ENDPOINT FOR API exports.endpoint = async (request, response) => { if (invalidRoutes(request, response)) return try { mongoose.connect(dbConn, { useNewUrlParser: true }) db = mongoose.connection db.on('error', (err) => console.log(`connection error: ${err}`)) db.once('open', async () => { console.log(`DB IS OPEN!`) // get the data from the POST body while there is data let body = '' request.on('data', (data) => { console.log('collecting data from request ...') body += data if (body.length > 1e6) { request.connection.destroy() db.close() console.log(`DB IS NOW CLOSED`) } }) // once the request has been received completely request.on('end', async () => { const content = qs.parse(body) const payload = JSON.parse(content.payload) // const payload = {"user": {"id": "TESTUSER"}, "actions": [{"value": "yyyyymmdd-ok"}]} console.log(`PAYLOAD: ${JSON.stringify(payload)}`) const [dateString, exportResult] = payload.actions[0].value.split('-') console.log(`dateString: ${dateString} -- exportResult: ${exportResult}`) const exportSuccessful = exportResult === 'ok' const parsedDate = moment(dateString, 'YYYYMMDD') const userId = const responseMsg = exportSuccessful ? `Great! :+1: Thanks a lot` : `Hmmm, this smells like a PDCA! :wink: Thanks anyway` const responseDate = ( <= 1 || > 5) ? 'Friday' : 'yesterday' const resMsg = `${responseMsg} <@${userId}>, ${responseDate}'s export has been successfully recorded. <|Find out more>.` // check only now whether the record exists because only now do we have the date // (no longer using the current one, but the one that has been sent from Slack // hidden in the value) let recordExists = false if (await checkForExistingRecord(parsedDate)) { // don't save document if there is already one with the same date console.log(`Not adding document to database (already one with ${parsedDate.toDate()} in the db).`) db.close() console.log(`DB IS NOW CLOSED`) recordExists = true } if (recordExists) { response.end(`${responseMsg} <@${userId}>. However, it seems ${responseDate}'s export has already been reported (this may happen when Runkit doesn't respond in time to Slack, but has successfully recorded the export. <|Check here> in case of doubt.`) return } const res = await saveNewRecord(exportSuccessful, parsedDate) if (res) { console.log(`Successfully saved document in database.`) console.log(`res: ${res}`) response.end(resMsg) } else { console.log(`Error while saving: ${JSON.stringify(res)}`) response.statusCode = 500 response.end(`${errMsg} ${JSON.stringify(res)}`) } console.log('Finished interaction, database is not yet closed. Good-bye!') db.close() console.log(`DB IS NOW CLOSED`) return }) // request.on('end'.... }) // db open } catch (err) { console.log(`CATCH: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`) db.close() console.log(`DB IS NOW CLOSED`) return (err) => response.status(500).json({ error: err }) } }

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