monorepo codemod

node v8.17.0
version: 5.0.0
const _ = require('lodash') const parseImports = require('parse-es6-imports') const contents = `import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { Pane as EGPane, Card } from 'evergreen-layers' import TextInput from 'evergreen-text-input' import SelectMenu from 'evergreen-select-menu' import { Text } from 'evergreen-typography' import DropdownButton from './DropdownButton'` // find import // find export // get string of everything in between function ImportStatement({ startLineIndex }) { this.startLineIndex = startLineIndex this.endLineIndex = null this.isComplete = false this.hasFromWord = false this.words = ['import'] this.package = null this.exports = [] } ImportStatement.prototype.isEvergreenPackage = function() { return this.package.includes('evergreen-') } ImportStatement.prototype.process = function() { let isDefaultExport = true let isAlias = false for (let i = 0; i < this.words.length; i++) { const word = this.words[i] if (word === 'import') continue if (word === 'from') break if (word === '}') break if (word === '{') { isDefaultExport = false continue } if (isDefaultExport) { this.exports.push({ isDefaultExport: true, name: word }) break } if (word === 'as') { isAlias = true continue } if (isAlias) { this.exports[this.exports.length - 1].alias = word.replace(',', '') isAlias = false continue } if (word) { this.exports.push({ name: word.replace(',', '') }) continue } } return this } function findImportStatements(input) { const lines = input.split('\n') const imports = [] const lastStatement = () => imports[imports.length - 1] lines.forEach((line, index) => { const words = line.split(' ') words.forEach((word, wordIndex) => { if (word === 'import' && wordIndex === 0) { imports.push(new ImportStatement({ startLineIndex: index })) } else if (!lastStatement().isComplete) { if (word === 'from') { lastStatement().hasFromWord = true lastStatement().words.push(word) } else if (lastStatement().hasFromWord) { lastStatement().package = word lastStatement().isCompleted = true lastStatement().endLineIndex = index lastStatement().words.push(word) } else if (!/\s/.test(word)) { if (!Number.isNaN(word.charCodeAt())) { // weird whitespace bug lastStatement().words.push(word) } } } }) }) return { lines, imports } } const { lines, imports } = findImportStatements(contents) const evergreenImports = imports .filter(x => x.isEvergreenPackage()) .map(x => x.process()) function createNewImportStatement(inputImports) { const stringBuilder = ['import', '{'] console.log(inputImports) const exportItems = [] const result = inputImports .reduce( (arr, imp) => [ ...arr, imp.exports .map(exp => { if (exp.alias) { return `${} as ${exp.alias}` } return }) .join(', '), ], [], ) .join(', ') console.log(result) stringBuilder.push(result) stringBuilder.push('}') stringBuilder.push('from') stringBuilder.push(`'evergreen-ui'`) return stringBuilder.join(' ') } function shouldSkipLine(inputImports, lineIndex) { let skip = false inputImports.forEach(imp => { if (lineIndex >= imp.startLineIndex && lineIndex <= imp.endLineIndex) skip = true }) return skip } const newLines = [] lines.forEach((line, index) => { if (index === evergreenImports[0].startLineIndex) { newLines.push(createNewImportStatement(evergreenImports)) } else if (!shouldSkipLine(evergreenImports, index)) { newLines.push(line) } }) // Old console.log(contents) // New console.log(newLines.join('\n'))

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