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My First Playground

node v8.17.0
version: 1.0.2
This is a playground to test JavaScript. It runs a completely standard copy of Node.js on a virtual server created just for you. Every one of npm’s 300,000+ packages are pre-installed, so try it out:
const _ = require("lodash"); const optimizelySDK = require("@optimizely/optimizely-sdk"); const defaultLogger = require('@optimizely/optimizely-sdk/lib/plugins/logger'); const SDK_KEY = 'XWsD3vvR34mQnuKyguDEE5'; // TODO: 1. UPDATE TO MATCH YOUR SDK KEY const userId = 'user123'; // You can change this userId to see if you get bucketed into different variations! // This is the data we will sort! const posts = [ { name: 'Deliver Pizza', type: 'delivery', price: 25 , daysAgo: 30, }, // Oldest { name: 'Wordpress Plugin', type: 'software', price: 35 , daysAgo: 1, }, // Newest { name: 'Help with Resume', type: 'editorial', price: 20 , daysAgo: 5, }, { name: 'Design Project', type: 'software', price: 50 , daysAgo: 4, }, { name: 'Deliver Ice Cream', type: 'software', price: 65 , daysAgo: 21, }, { name: 'Complete Puzzle', type: 'physical', price: 5 , daysAgo: 16, }, // Cheapest { name: 'Personal Assistant', type: 'physical', price: 300, daysAgo: 18, }, // Most Expensive ]; const optimizelyClientInstance = optimizelySDK.createInstance({ sdkKey: SDK_KEY, }); await optimizelyClientInstance.onReady() /** With Optimizely - configuration can be changed without deploys through Optimizely UI **/ const featureKey = 'demo_sort_algorithm'; // TODO: 2. CREATE A FEATURE named 'sort_algorithm' in your project // TODO: 3. Replace enabled variable value with a feature flag var enabled = optimizelyClientInstance.isFeatureEnabled('demo_sort_algorithm', userId); if (enabled) { var daysWeight = optimizelyClientInstance.getFeatureVariableInteger('demo_sort_algorithm', 'daysWeight', userId); var priceWeight = optimizelyClientInstance.getFeatureVariableInteger('demo_sort_algorithm', 'priceWeight', userId); var scoringFn = optimizelyClientInstance.getFeatureVariableString('demo_sort_algorithm', 'scoringFn', userId); var limit = optimizelyClientInstance.getFeatureVariableInteger('demo_sort_algorithm', 'limit', userId); // TODO: 4. Replace each property's value with the corresponding feature variable call const config = { 'scoringFn': scoringFn, 'priceWeight': priceWeight, 'daysWeight': daysWeight, 'limit': limit, } console.log('Sorting algorithm loaded with configuration:'); console.log(config); // YOU ONLY NEED TO PAY ATTENTION TO WHERE THE CONFIG OBJECT IS BEING USED IN THE FOLLOWING CODE /** * Creates a normalizing function for a specific property * Normalizes by ensuring all values range from 0 to 1. */ const normalizer = (posts, property) => { const items = posts.map((post) => (post[property])) const max = _.max(items); const min = _.min(items); const range = max - min; return (value) => { return (value - min) / range; } } /** * Create a normalizing function for the properties we want to normalize */ const normalizePrice = normalizer(posts, 'price'); const normalizeDaysAgo = normalizer(posts, 'daysAgo'); /** * Scoring functions used to sort items by score */ const scoringFns = { weightedSum: (item) => { const nPrice = normalizePrice(item.price) const nDaysAgo = normalizeDaysAgo(item.daysAgo) return ( nPrice*config.priceWeight + nDaysAgo*config.daysWeight ) }, byPrice: (item) => (item.price), byDate: (item) => (item.daysAgo), random: () => (Math.random()), } const scoreItem = scoringFns[config.scoringFn]; function sortByScore(scoreItem) { return (a, b) => { return scoreItem(b) - scoreItem(a); } } const sortedItems = _(posts) .sort(sortByScore(scoreItem)) .take(config.limit) .value(); console.log(sortedItems); sortedItems.forEach((item, index) => { console.log(`${index}: ${item.name} for ${item.price} posted ${item.daysAgo} days ago`); }); }

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