
node v14.20.1
version: 1.0.0
np = { array: require('ndarray'), zeros: require("zeros"), unpack: require("ndarray-unpack"), pack: require('ndarray-pack'), ops: require("ndarray-ops"), pool: require("ndarray-scratch"), } np.sum = np.ops.sum np.clone = np.pool.clone odex = require('odex') // Code to build and solve an age-structured SEIR epidemiological model. // Some model assumptions: // - A basic compartmental (S-E-I-R) model, stratified by age cohorts // (or any other division of the population such that individuals do not switch // cohorts), and extended by comparments (SI-D) to account for those so // severely infected that they will end up dying from the disease. // - Age is a discrete variable. See or the deployed app for analytic // expression of the relevant differential equations. // - No aging: The time horizon for the model is less than one year. // - No vital statistics: No birth or death, aside from possible deaths due to // disease. // - The Exposed compartment are not infectious. COMPARTMENTS = ['Susceptible', 'Exposed', 'Infected', 'Severely Infected', 'Recovered', 'Dead'] AGE_COHORTS = ['0-19', '20-59', '60+'] INFECTION_FATALITY = [.0001, .0032, .0328] // population fractions by region; UN 2020 data WORLD_POP = { 'Africa': [.507, .438, .055], 'Americas': [.293, .541, .166], 'Asia': [.312, .558, .131], 'Europe': [.211, .532, .257] } Object.keys(WORLD_POP).forEach(k => WORLD_POP[k] = np.array(WORLD_POP[k])) // UK data from the POLYMOD survey, basis for contact matrices CONTACT_DATA = np.pack([ [7.86, 5.22, 0.5], [2.37, 7.69, 1.06], [1.19, 5.38, 1.92] ]) function _symmetrize(pop_fracs, contact_data) { //"""Construct a contact matrix with reciprocity from empirical data.""" f = pop_fracs d = contact_data c = np.zeros([f.size, f.size]), i) => {, j) => { v = (d.get(i,j)*f.get(i) + d.get(j,i)*f.get(j))/(2*f.get(i)) c.set(i,j, v) }) }) return c } CONTACT_MATRICES_0 = {} Object.keys(WORLD_POP).forEach(k => CONTACT_MATRICES_0[k] = _symmetrize(WORLD_POP[k], CONTACT_DATA)) // The effects of various non-pharmaceutical interventions. // Chi denotes an overall multiplicative factor on the basic contact matrix. // For cohort-based interventions, xi denotes a factor to be applied to // contact matrix entries given by the corresponding indices. NPI_IMPACTS = { 'Cancel mass gatherings': {'chi': 0.72}, 'Quarantine': {'chi': 0.63}, 'Quarantine and tracing': {'chi': 0.48}, 'School closure': { 'xi': 0, 'indices': [[0, 0]] }, 'Shelter in place': {'chi': 0.34}, 'Shielding the elderly': { 'xi': 0.5, 'indices': [[0, -1], [1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1], [-1, -1]] } } // Class to solve an age-structured SEIR Compartmental model. // // Attributes: // contacts: List of effective contact matrices, one per epoch. (An epoch // here denotes a period of set interventions.) // epoch_end_times: List of days at which transmission rates change. // alpha: Inverse incubation period // beta: Probability of transmission given a contact // gamma: Inverse duration of infection // delta: Inverse time to death // kappa: List of mortality rates, one per cohort // N_cohorts: Number of cohorts // compartments: List of names of compartments // N_compartments: Number of compartments // s, e, i, m, r, d: Indices of the compartments in the state vector y(t) // // External methods: // f: Function giving the rate of change in the state variable y(t). // solve: Integrate the coupled differential equations. // solve_to_dataframe: Solve and output a tidy dataframe. class SEIRModel { constructor( contact_matrices, epoch_end_times, incubation_period=5.1, prob_of_transmission=.034, duration_of_infection=6.3, time_to_death=17.8, mortality_rates=INFECTION_FATALITY, N_cohorts=AGE_COHORTS.length, ) { if (epoch_end_times.length !== contact_matrices.length) { throw new Error("Each contact matrix requires an epoch end time.") } this.contacts = contact_matrices this.epoch_end_times = epoch_end_times this.alpha = 1/incubation_period this.beta = prob_of_transmission this.gamma = 1/duration_of_infection = 1/time_to_death this.kappa = mortality_rates this.N_cohorts = N_cohorts // N.B. hard-coded values. The function f() assumes these compartments. this.compartments = COMPARTMENTS this.N_compartments = 6 this.s = 0 this.e = 1 this.i = 2 this.m = 3 this.r = 4 this.d = 5 } } // Fetch the contact matrix for given time t. SEIRModel.prototype._fetch_contact = function(t) { for (let i = 0; i < this.contacts.length; i++) { if (t <= this.epoch_end_times[i]) { return this.contacts[i] } } } // Function giving the rate of change in the state variable y(t). SEIRModel.prototype.f = function(t, y) { if (isNaN(t)) { throw(new Error("t can't be NaN")) } if ( { throw(new Error("y should be an array, not ndarray")) } if (y.find(isNaN)) { throw(new Error("y can't contain NaN")) } y = np.array(y, [this.N_cohorts, this.N_compartments]) let dy = np.zeros([this.N_cohorts, this.N_compartments]) let contact = this._fetch_contact(t) if (!contact) { console.log("oh no: ", [t, np.unpack(this.contacts)]) } cohorts_range = Array.from(Array(this.N_cohorts).keys()) for (a of cohorts_range) { let infection_rate = => ( this.beta * contact.get(a,b) * ( y.get(b,this.i) + y.get(b,this.m) ) / np.sum(y.pick(b,null)) )).reduce((a,b) => a+b) dy.set(a,this.s, -y.get(a,this.s) * infection_rate) dy.set(a,this.e, (y.get(a,this.s) * infection_rate - this.alpha * y.get(a, this.e))) dy.set(a,this.i, (this.alpha * (1-this.kappa[a]) * y.get(a, this.e) - this.gamma * y.get(a, this.i))) dy.set(a,this.m, (this.alpha * this.kappa[a] * y.get(a, this.e) - * y.get(a, this.m))) dy.set(a,this.r, this.gamma * y.get(a, this.i)) dy.set(a,this.d, * y.get(a, this.m)) } dy_flat = np.unpack(np.array( if (dy_flat.find(isNaN)) { throw(new Error("it broke, there's NaN", dy_flat)) } return dy_flat } SEIRModel.prototype.solve = function(y0) { integrate = new odex.Solver(18) epoch_end = this.epoch_end_times.slice(-1)[0]-1 t = [] y = [] integrate.denseOutput = true integrate.solve( this.f.bind(this), // function(t, y) returns y at t 0, // initial t value y0, // initial y value epoch_end, // final t value // (x,x0,x1,y1) => console.log(["step", x,x0,x1,y1])) // per step callback integrate.grid( 1, // step size (tS,yS) => { // per step callback // console.log(["step", tS, yS]) t.push(tS) y.push(yS) } ) ) return [t,y.flat()] } const zip = (arr, ...arrs) => { return, i) => arrs.reduce((a, arr) => [...a, arr[i]], [val])); } // Function to enumerate conact matrices and their epochs. // Arguments: // contact_matrix: Basic contact matrix, without interventions // day_ranges: List of day range tuples denoting the period // during which interventions are applied // selected_npis: List of interventions, one for each date range // total_days: Total number of days to run model // npi_impacts: Dict of interventions of form {name: impact}, // cf. NPI_IMPACTS above. // Returns: A list of effective contact matrices and a list of epoch end times SEIRModel.model_input = function(contact_matrix, day_ranges, selected_npis, total_days, npi_impacts=NPI_IMPACTS) { // create a sequence of tuples from a list // e.g., tuplize([0, 1, 2, 3]) -> [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]] let _tuplize = function(lst) { return lst.slice(0, -1).map((e,i) => lst.slice(i, i+2)) } // Partition day_ranges into unique, non-overlapping epochs. let _partition = function(day_ranges, total_days) { flat_dates = day_ranges.flat().concat(0, total_days).sort((a,b) => a-b) return _tuplize(Array.from(new Set(flat_dates))) } let _range = function(start, end) { length = end - start return Array.from(Array(length), (_,i) => i+start) } let _intersects = function(day_range, epoch_tuple) { cs = _range(...day_range) es = _range(...epoch_tuple) return cs.filter(i=>es.includes(i)).length > 1 } let _apply = function(npi, npi_impacts, contact_matrix) { impact = npi_impacts[npi] || {} np.ops.mulseq(contact_matrix, impact['chi'] || 1) for ([x,y] of impact['indices'] || []) { val = contact_matrix.get(x, y) contact_matrix.set(x,y, val * (impact['xi'] || 1)) } return contact_matrix } epoch_tuples = _partition(day_ranges, total_days) contact_matrices = [] for (epoch of epoch_tuples) { c_eff = np.clone(contact_matrix) for ([day_range, npi] of zip(day_ranges, selected_npis)) { if (_intersects(day_range, epoch)) { c_eff = _apply(npi, npi_impacts, c_eff) } } contact_matrices.push(c_eff) } epoch_ends = => e[1]) return [contact_matrices, epoch_ends] } _colsum = (a) => np.unpack(a).map(a => { return zip(...a).map(i => i.reduce((a,b) => a+b)) }) SEIRModel.prototype.solve_to_dataframe = function(y0, defaulted_output = false) { [t, y] = this.solve(y0) y = np.array(y, [t.length, this.N_cohorts, this.N_compartments]) aggregate_nums = _colsum(y) return aggregate_nums }
TOTAL_POPULATION = 1000000 START_DAY = 0 END_DAY = 300 initial_infected = (0.1 * 0.01) region_option = "Africa" population = np.unpack(WORLD_POP[region_option]).map(e => e * TOTAL_POPULATION) pop_0 = => [ f * (1 - 2 * initial_infected), f * initial_infected, f * initial_infected, 0, 0, 0, ]) mixing_range = [30, 160] let contact_matrices, epoch_end_times [contact_matrices, epoch_end_times] = SEIRModel.model_input( CONTACT_MATRICES_0[region_option], [mixing_range], ['Shelter in place'], END_DAY-START_DAY ) res = new SEIRModel(contact_matrices, epoch_end_times) res.solve_to_dataframe(pop_0.flat())

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