Line Number

node v9.11.2
version: 1.0.1
const fs = require('fs'); const {StringDecoder} = require('string_decoder'); const {Transform} = require('stream'); // Usage: // fs.createReadStream(sourcePath) // .pipe(new LineNumber()) // .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(destPath)); class Line extends Transform { constructor() { Object.assign(super(), { decoder: new StringDecoder(), buffer: [], }); } flush() { const line = this.buffer.join(''); this.buffer = []; this.push(line); } _transform(chunk, encoding, callback) { let previous; for (const c of this.decoder.write(chunk)) { if (c === '\n') { this.buffer.push(c); this.flush(); } else { if (previous === '\r') { this.flush(); } this.buffer.push(c); } previous = c; } callback(); } _flush(callback) { this.flush(); callback(); } } class LineNumber extends Line { constructor({length = 4, fill = '0'} = {}) { Object.assign(super(), { length, fill, count: 0, }); } push(data) { if (data || data === 'string') { const prefix = `${++this.count}`.padStart(this.length, this.fill); data = `${prefix}: ${data}`; } super.push(data); } } // TEST const assert = require('assert'); const {Writable, PassThrough} = require('stream'); const writeByteByByte = (stream, buffer) => { for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { stream.write(Buffer.from([buffer[i]])); } }; async function test(source, options, expected) { const actual = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const sourceStream = new PassThrough(); const chunks = []; sourceStream .pipe(new LineNumber(options)) .pipe(new Writable({ write(chunk, encoding, callback) { chunks.push(chunk); callback(); }, final(callback) { resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks).toString()); }, })); writeByteByByte(sourceStream, Buffer.from(source)); sourceStream.end(); }); assert.equal(actual, expected); console.log(actual); } Promise.all( [ [ 'ABC\nDEF\n', undefined, '0001: ABC\n0002: DEF\n0003: ', ], [ 'πŸ˜€\r\n😁\nπŸ˜‚πŸ€£\r\nπŸ˜†', {length: 2, fill: ' '}, ' 1: πŸ˜€\r\n 2: 😁\n 3: πŸ˜‚πŸ€£\r\n 4: πŸ˜†', ], ] .map(([source, options, expected]) => test(source, options, expected)) ) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); });

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