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swagger-client error on second resolve

node v8.17.0
version: 1.0.0
const Swagger = require("swagger-client"); const spec = { swagger: '2.0', info: { version: '1.0.0', title: 'Simple API', }, host: 'simple.api', paths: { '/cars': { parameters: { in: 'query', type: 'string', required: true, }, get: { operationId: '1', responses: { 200: { description: 'A car', type: 'string', }, }, }, }, '/person': { get: { operationId: '2', responses: { 200: { description: 'A single person', type: 'string', }, }, }, post: { operationId: '3', responses: { 200: { description: 'Add person', type: 'string', }, }, }, }, }, }; await Swagger.resolve({spec}); await Swagger.resolve({spec});

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