URLON v3 Changelog

node v8.17.0
version: 1.0.0
var keyStringifyRegexp = /([=:@$/])/g var valueStringifyRegexp = /([&;/])/g var keyParseRegexp = /[=:@$]/ var valueParseRegexp = /[&;]/ function encodeString (str, regexp) { return encodeURI(str.replace(regexp, '/$1')) } function trim (res) { return typeof res === 'string' ? res.replace(/;+$/g, '') : res } function stringify (input, recursive) { if (!recursive) { return trim(stringify(input, true)) } // Number, Boolean or Null if ( typeof input === 'number' || input === true || input === false || input === null ) { return ':' + input } var res = [] // Array if (input instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { typeof input[i] === 'undefined' ? res.push(':null') : res.push(stringify(input[i], true)) } return '@' + res.join('&') + ';' } // Object if (typeof input === 'object') { for (var key in input) { var val = stringify(input[key], true) if (val) { res.push(encodeString(key, keyStringifyRegexp) + val) } } return '#x27; + res.join('&') + ';' } // undefined if (typeof input === 'undefined') { return } // String return '=' + encodeString(input.toString(), valueStringifyRegexp) } function parse (str) { var pos = 0 str = decodeURI(str) function readToken (regexp) { var token = '' for (; pos !== str.length; ++pos) { if (str.charAt(pos) === '/') { pos += 1 if (pos === str.length) { token += ';' break } } else if (str.charAt(pos).match(regexp)) { break } token += str.charAt(pos) } return token } function parseToken () { var type = str.charAt(pos++) // String if (type === '=') { return readToken(valueParseRegexp) } // Number, Boolean or Null if (type === ':') { var value = readToken(valueParseRegexp) if (value === 'true') { return true } if (value === 'false') { return false } value = parseFloat(value) return isNaN(value) ? null : value } var res // Array if (type === '@') { res = [] loop: { // empty array if (pos >= str.length || str.charAt(pos) === ';') { break loop } // parse array items while (1) { res.push(parseToken()) if (pos >= str.length || str.charAt(pos) === ';') { break loop } pos += 1 } } pos += 1 return res } // Object if (type === '#x27;) { res = {} loop: { if (pos >= str.length || str.charAt(pos) === ';') { break loop } while (1) { var name = readToken(keyParseRegexp) res[name] = parseToken() if (pos >= str.length || str.charAt(pos) === ';') { break loop } pos += 1 } } pos += 1 return res } // Error throw new Error('Unexpected char ' + type) } return parseToken() } var URLON = { stringify: stringify, parse: parse }
Now it is friendly to utm queries:
// ignore $ at start. it will be substitute by url-mapper automatically URLON.parse('$utm_source=sdfwer&utm_lang=en_US')
It doesn't applies extra escaping:
URLON.stringify({'foo.bar_baz&;': '=@foo:#x27; })
It doesn't stringifies undefined keys, just like JSON
URLON.stringify({'foo': undefined})
undefined in arrays converted to null, just like JSON
URLON.stringify(['foo', undefined, 35])

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