formix's notebooks

  • Infernal Engine - Character Example - /formix/infernal-engine---character-example
    Last edited 6 years ago
    var model = { playerName: "", name: "", race: { selected: "human", options: ["human", "elf", "dwarf", "halfling", "gnome"], valid: true, validate: validateSelection }, class: { selected: "wizard", options: ["fighter", "wizard", "cleric", "rogue"], valid: true, validate: validateSelection, updateOptions: function(next) { // update available classes based on AD&D 1st and 2nd edition var race = this.get("../race/selected"); var options = []; if (race === "dwarf" || race === "halfling") { options.push("fighter"); options.push("rogue"); } else if (race === "elf" || race === "gnome") { options.push("wizard"); } else if (race === "human") { options.push("cleric"); } this.set("options", options); return next(); } } }; function validateSelection(next) { var selected = this.get("selected"); var options = this.get("options"); var index = options.indexOf(selected); var valid = (index > -1); this.set("valid", valid); return next(); } var InfernalEngine = require("infernal-engine"); var engine = new InfernalEngine(); engine.load(model); engine.set("/race/selected", "halfling"); engine.infer(function() { console.log("Final State:"); console.log(engine.getFacts()); console.log("Updated facts: "); console.log(engine.getDiff()); }); console.log("started!");
  • tonic + npm: infernal-engine - /formix/character-example
    Last edited 7 years ago - from:
    var model = { playerName: "", name: "", race: { selected: "human", options: ["human", "elf", "dwarf", "halfling", "gnome"], valid: true, validate: validateSelection }, class: { selected: "wizard", options: ["fighter", "wizard", "cleric", "rogue"], valid: true, validate: validateSelection, updateOptions: function(next) { // update available classes based on AD&D 1st and 2nd edition var race = this.get("../race/selected"); var options = []; if (race === "dwarf" || race === "halfling") { options.push("fighter"); options.push("rogue"); } else if (race === "elf" || race === "gnome") { options.push("wizard"); } else if (race === "human") { options.push("cleric"); } this.set("options", options); return next(); } } }; function validateSelection(next) { var selected = this.get("selected"); var options = this.get("options"); var index = options.indexOf(selected); var valid = (index > -1); this.set("valid", valid); return next(); } var InfernalEngine = require("infernal-engine"); var engine = new InfernalEngine(); engine.load(model); engine.set("/race/selected", "halfling"); engine.infer(function() { // Displays the full model state console.log("Final State:"); console.log(JSON.stringify(engine.getFacts(), null, " ")); // Displays only what changed in the model during inference execution console.log("Updated facts: "); console.log(JSON.stringify(engine.getDiff(), null, " ")); }); console.log("started!"); // Press Shift+Enter to execute...