untitled notebook

node v14.20.1
version: master
var FakeTimers = require("@sinonjs/fake-timers"); const realDate = Date; const realSetImmediate = setImmediate; const start = realDate.now(); function log(...o){ return console.log(realDate.now() - start + ": " + [...o].join(" ")); } log("start") realSetImmediate(() => log("executing using non-stubbed setImmediate, will execute after the sync script completes")); var clock = FakeTimers.install({ shouldAdvanceTime: true, advanceTimeDelta: 40, toFake: ["setTimeout", "clearTimeout", "setInterval","setImmediate"] }); const ret1 = setTimeout(() => { log("this just timed out, because synchronous"); //executed after 40ms }, 30); const ret2 = setImmediate(() => { log("not so immediate"); //executed after 40ms }); const ret3 = setTimeout(() => { log("this timed out after"); //executed after 80ms clock.uninstall(); }, 50); //log("timers: ",ret1,ret2,ret3); // clock.tick(50); // if you want to see how it behaves with shouldAdvanceTime : false log("sync script complete")

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