Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


Random People

node v9.11.2
version: 9.0.0
const endpoint = require('@runkit/runkit/json-endpoint/1.0.0'); const shuffleSeed = require('shuffle-seed'); const moment = require('moment'); const flow = require('lodash/fp/flow'); const chunk = require('lodash/fp/chunk'); const ceiling = require('lodash/fp/ceil'); const floor = require('lodash/fp/floor'); const shuffle = seed => array => shuffleSeed.shuffle(array, seed); function getGroups(people, opts) { const options = Object.assign({ maxGroupSize: 5 }, opts); const values = Array.from(people).filter(v => v).sort(); const seed = values.join('').toLowerCase() + moment.utc().format('YYYYMMDD'); const strategy = target => { const n = target.length; const max = options.maxGroupSize; const num_groups = ceiling(n/max); return target.reduce((result, person, i)=>{ const group_number = i % num_groups; result[group_number] = result[group_number] || []; result[group_number].push(person); return result; },[]); }; return flow( shuffle(seed), strategy, )(values); } endpoint(exports, async function({ query }) { if (!query || !query.people) { throw new Error(`The 'people' parameter is required.`); } const peopleArray = query.people.split(',').map(v => v.trim()); if (!peopleArray) { throw new Error(`The 'people' parameter must be a comma-separated list of names.`); } return { version: '2', groups: getGroups(peopleArray), }; });

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