RunKit + npm: aes256

node v9.11.2
var aes256 = require("aes256") const plaintext = JSON.stringify({id: 5552, admin: true}) const key = 'hopefully some (true) random generated key or one derived from a PBKDF' const ciphertext = aes256.encrypt(key, plaintext) // save the ciphertext somewhere // some attacker do the following attack let cracked = false for (let i = 0; i < 36; i++) { for (let j = 8; j < ciphertext.length - 1; j++) { // change the ciphertext const newCiphertext = ciphertext.substr(0, j) + i.toString(36) + ciphertext.substr(j + 1) if (newCiphertext === ciphertext) continue // submit the new ciphertext // the server decrypt and validates the response const newPlainText = aes256.decrypt(key, newCiphertext) try { // If the server accepts the response, done! console.log(JSON.parse(newPlainText)) } catch (e) { continue } }}
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