RunKit + npm:

node v10.24.1
const { hooks, compose } = require('@feathersjs/hooks'); const logRuntime = async (context, next) => { const start = new Date().getTime(); await next(); const end = new Date().getTime(); console.log(`Function '${context.method || '[no name]'}' returned '${context.result}' after ${end - start}ms`); } const validateName = async (context, next) => { const [ name ] = context.arguments; if (!name || name.trim() === '') { throw new Error('Name is not valid'); } // Always has to be called await next(); } // And on an object or class like this class Hello { async sayHi (name) { return `Hi ${name}` } } hooks(Hello, { sayHi: [ compose([ logRuntime, validateName, compose([ /* ... */ ]) ]) ] }); const hi = new Hello(); console.log(await hi.sayHi('Dave'));
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