Hello World fast-spec!

node v10.24.1
version: 1.0.0
const fc = require("fast-check"); const { funcDef, instDef, varDef, findSpecs } = require("fast-spec"); findSpecs([ // declare functions to be considered funcDef("concat", 2, (a, b) => [...a, ...b]), funcDef("reverse", 1, (a) => [...a].reverse()), // declare basic root values (of special interest) instDef("[]", []), // declare complex values that can be consumed by your functions varDef("x", fc.array(fc.char())) ], { // optional settings // number of combinations to try - default: 100 numSamples: 10000, // complexity of the combinations - default: 2 complexity: 2, // number of inputs to try to confirm a combination - default: 100 numFuzz: 100 })

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