DOCX Demo 2

node v10.24.1
version: 5.0.0
const docx = require('docx@5.0.2'); var express = require("@runkit/runkit/express-endpoint/1.0.0"); var app = express(exports); const { AlignmentType, Document, HeadingLevel, Packer, Paragraph, TextRun, UnderlineType } = docx; app.get("/", async (req, res) => { const doc = new Document({ creator: "Clippy", title: "Sample Document", description: "A brief example of using docx", styles: { paragraphStyles: [ { id: "Heading1", name: "Heading 1", basedOn: "Normal", next: "Normal", quickFormat: true, run: { size: 28, bold: true, italics: true, color: "red", }, paragraph: { spacing: { after: 120, }, }, }, { id: "Heading2", name: "Heading 2", basedOn: "Normal", next: "Normal", quickFormat: true, run: { size: 26, bold: true, underline: { type: UnderlineType.DOUBLE, color: "FF0000", }, }, paragraph: { spacing: { before: 240, after: 120, }, }, }, { id: "aside", name: "Aside", basedOn: "Normal", next: "Normal", run: { color: "999999", italics: true, }, paragraph: { indent: { left: 720, }, spacing: { line: 276, }, }, }, { id: "wellSpaced", name: "Well Spaced", basedOn: "Normal", quickFormat: true, paragraph: { spacing: { line: 276, before: 20 * 72 * 0.1, after: 20 * 72 * 0.05 }, }, }, { id: "ListParagraph", name: "List Paragraph", basedOn: "Normal", quickFormat: true, }, ], }, numbering: { config: [ { reference: "my-crazy-numbering", levels: [ { level: 0, format: "lowerLetter", text: "%1)", alignment: AlignmentType.LEFT, }, ], }, ], }, }); doc.addSection({ children: [ new Paragraph({ text: "Test heading1, bold and italicized", heading: HeadingLevel.HEADING_1, }), new Paragraph("Some simple content"), new Paragraph({ text: "Test heading2 with double red underline", heading: HeadingLevel.HEADING_2, }), new Paragraph({ text: "Option1", numbering: { reference: "my-crazy-numbering", level: 0, }, }), new Paragraph({ text: "Option5 -- override 2 to 5", numbering: { reference: "my-crazy-numbering", level: 0, }, }), new Paragraph({ text: "Option3", numbering: { reference: "my-crazy-numbering", level: 0, }, }), new Paragraph({ children: [ new TextRun({ text: "Some monospaced content", font: { name: "Monospace", }, }), ], }), new Paragraph({ text: "An aside, in light gray italics and indented", style: "aside", }), new Paragraph({ text: "This is normal, but well-spaced text", style: "wellSpaced", }), new Paragraph({ children: [ new TextRun({ text: "This is a bold run,", bold: true, }), new TextRun(" switching to normal "), new TextRun({ text: "and then underlined ", underline: {}, }), new TextRun({ text: "and back to normal.", }), ], }), ], }); const b64string = await Packer.toBase64String(doc); res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=My Document.docx'); res.send(Buffer.from(b64string, 'base64')); })

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