Sinon issue reproducible bug template

node v12.22.12
version: 1.0.0
// Employs 'mini-mocha' to emulate running in the Mocha test runner ( require("@fatso83/mini-mocha").install(); const sinon = require('sinon@7.1.1'); // WORKS! const sinon = require('sinon@7.2.0'); // FAILS! const sinon = require('sinon'); // FAILS! const { assert } = require('@sinonjs/referee'); const SAMPLE_USER = { id: 1, name: 'Kid', age: 22, weight: 83.5, notes: [{ txt: 'abc' }, { txt: 'def' }, { txt: 'ghi' }], }; class MyUser { constructor(id, name, age, weight, notes = []) { = id; = name; this.age = age; this.weight = weight; this.notes = notes; } } const createFakeUser = overrides => ({ id: '007', name: 'Bond', ...overrides, }); class Talkie { talk(user, topic) { console.log('talked to',, 'about', topic); } } const action = (userId, talkie) => { const { name, age, weight, notes } = SAMPLE_USER; const user = new MyUser(userId, name, age, weight, notes);, 'apples'); return user; } describe('stubbing', () => { const talkie = new Talkie(); afterEach(() => { sinon.restore(); }); beforeEach(() => { sinon.spy(talkie, 'talk'); }); it('is the same user', () => { const userA = action(1, talkie); const userB = createFakeUser(SAMPLE_USER); assert.equals(JSON.stringify(userA), JSON.stringify(userB)); }); it('works in 7.1.1 but fails in 7.2.0 and onwards', () => { const userA = action(1, talkie); const userB = createFakeUser(SAMPLE_USER); sinon.assert.calledWith(, userB, sinon.match.string); }); });

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