My First Playground

node v6.17.1
version: 1.0.0
This is a playground to test JavaScript. It runs a completely standard copy of Node.js on a virtual server created just for you. Every one of npm’s 300,000+ packages are pre-installed, so try it out:
/** * Welcome to the AppliedBlockchain test! * Clone this notebook before writing anything * * The script should be able to: * - Receive an ethereum address from the query (eg: ?address=0xc96b5bf11d1bceaff8646b37a7f83d1be878bae5) * - Validate if the address is valid, otherwise return this json { "error:": "Invalid ETH address." } * - If valid * - Check its balance via etherscan api * - Convert from wei to eth * - Return the balance in json format * * Infos: * An ETH address always begins with `0x` and has 42 characters * You can use the apiKey "testKey" for Etherscan * * Constraints: * - The node version used should be v6.12.2 * - The `endpoint` function will be the main function called * - JSON response expected * * Response expected: * { * "author": { * "name": "Your name", * "email": "Your e-mail" * }, * "address": "Address sent to the script", * "valid": "boolean expected", * // The below part is only visible if the address is valid * "balance": { * "wei": "balance in wei", * "eth": "balance in eth" * } * } * * When the test is finish, please send us the endpoint url by email to: * eg: * */ require("fast-json-stable-stringify"); var endpoint = require("@runkit/runkit/json-endpoint/1.0.0"); var etherscan = require("etherscan-api").init('testKey'); var extend = require('node.extend'); endpoint(module.exports, function(req, done) { // The ethereum address provided const ethAddress = req.query.address; // Your code should be written here let balance; let wei; let eth; let isAddressInvalid = !ethAddress || !ethAddress.startsWith("0x") || ethAddress.length !== 42; let response = { "author": { "name": "Miguel Coelho Ribeiro", "email": "" }, "address": ethAddress, "valid": !isAddressInvalid }; if (isAddressInvalid) { response = extend(response, { "error:": "Invalid ETH address." }); return done(response); } balance = etherscan.account.balance(ethAddress); balance.then(function (balanceData) { wei = balanceData.result; eth = balanceData.result / Math.pow(10, 18); }) .then(function () { response = extend(response, { "balance": { "wei": wei, "eth": eth } }); }) .then(function () { return done(response); }); })

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