
node v14.20.1
version: 2.0.0
// const bugtamer = require("@bugtamer/async-status/lib/async-status") const bugtamer = require("@bugtamer/async-status") function showStats(asyncStatus, message) { console.log(message) console.log(` - Attempts: ${asyncStatus.attempts}`) console.log(` - successful: ${asyncStatus.successfulAttempts}`) console.log(` - failed: ${asyncStatus.failedAttempts}`) console.log(` - State:`) console.log(` - idle: ${asyncStatus.isIdle}`) console.log(` - ongoing: ${asyncStatus.isOngoing}`) console.log(` - Outcome:`) console.log(` - successful: ${asyncStatus.wasSuccessful}`) console.log(` - failed: ${asyncStatus.wasFailed}`) console.log(` - Time elapsed: ${asyncStatus.elapsedTime} ms`) } // Let's show where the Internation Space Station currently is. console.log("Let's see where the ISS is with Node " + process.version); // We can use any package from NPM since they are all built in. var getJSON = require("async-get-json"); const status = new bugtamer.AsyncStatus(); showStats(status, 'new AsyncStatus()') status.start() showStats(status, 'start()') const url = "http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json"; // change it to make it fail try { // And we can use ES7 async/await to pull the ISS's position from the open API. var result = await getJSON(url); status.end() showStats(status, 'end()') } catch (error) { status.abort() showStats(status, 'abort()') } if (!!result) { // RunKit will automatically display the last statement and try to find its best representation: result.iss_position; }

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