bernard's notebooks

  • Direction API - /bernard/google-directions-api
    Last edited 7 years ago
    var _ = require("lodash") data = { "geocoded_waypoints": [ { "geocoder_status": "OK", "place_id": "ChIJs2Wcodj0OxARDTQrlKP-nqA", "types": [ "neighborhood", "political" ] }, { "geocoder_status": "OK", "place_id": "ChIJmQrA9dKTOxARmG5m4Aln43k", "types": [ "route" ] } ], "routes": [ { "bounds": { "northeast": { "lat": 6.6146546, "lng": 3.4347352 }, "southwest": { "lat": 6.437963099999999, "lng": 3.3448339 } }, "copyrights": "Map data ©2017 Google", "legs": [ { "distance": { "text": "30.9 km", "value": 30918 }, "duration": { "text": "44 mins", "value": 2634 }, "end_address": "Aba Johnson Cres, Ikeja, Nigeria", "end_location": { "lat": 6.6141846, "lng": 3.3484646 }, "start_address": "1004 Housing Estate, Lagos, Nigeria", "start_location": { "lat": 6.439825099999999, "lng": 3.4342838 }, "steps": [ { "distance": { "text": "54 m", "value": 54 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 14 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.4396092, "lng": 3.4347191 }, "html_instructions": "Head <b>southeast</b>", "polyline": { "points": "}whf@gw}SDGX{@JS" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.439825099999999, "lng": 3.4342838 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.6 km", "value": 642 }, "duration": { "text": "4 mins", "value": 256 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.438580399999999, "lng": 3.430691 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>right</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Crescent School (on the left)</div>", "maneuver": "turn-right", "polyline": { "points": "qvhf@_z}SFCb@@xAv@RBN?XIDATCdBC?~@@j@@r@?x@EN?@IRUVcA`AKNCFCNAL@pB@zF?@" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.4396092, "lng": 3.4347191 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.1 km", "value": 123 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 57 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.4396776, "lng": 3.4305469 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>right</b> onto <b>Adetokunbo Ademola Street</b>", "maneuver": "turn-right", "polyline": { "points": "cphf@y`}ScEVWB" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.438580399999999, "lng": 3.430691 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.2 km", "value": 220 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 23 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.4394621, "lng": 3.4285655 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>left</b> onto <b>Lekki - Epe Express Way</b>/<b>Ozumba Mbadiwe Rd</b>", "maneuver": "turn-left", "polyline": { "points": "_whf@}_}SBPNzATjG@P" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.4396776, "lng": 3.4305469 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.3 km", "value": 348 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 39 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.4395492, "lng": 3.4254725 }, "html_instructions": "Take the ramp to <b>Akin Adesola St</b>", "polyline": { "points": "suhf@qs|SEV?D?DB`C@z@?b@@Z@T@XBV@ZD\\BXB`@?XARCLEPENGNQ\\" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.4394621, "lng": 3.4285655 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.3 km", "value": 326 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 40 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.4422378, "lng": 3.4266568 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>right</b> onto <b>Akin Adesola St</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by the bridge (on the left)</div>", "maneuver": "turn-right", "polyline": { "points": "evhf@e`|SyOmF" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.4395492, "lng": 3.4254725 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.5 km", "value": 545 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 35 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.446855299999999, "lng": 3.4282867 }, "html_instructions": "Slight <b>left</b> at the church", "maneuver": "turn-slight-left", "polyline": { "points": "_gif@sg|S]AiBk@cDcAm@OuAYw@O{@OWGcDw@{DiA" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.4422378, "lng": 3.4266568 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "4.3 km", "value": 4318 }, "duration": { "text": "6 mins", "value": 342 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.457799199999999, "lng": 3.4103833 }, "html_instructions": "Merge onto <b>Alfred Rewane (Kingsway) Rd</b>/<b>Kingsway Rd</b>/<b>Osborne Rd</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Continue to follow Osborne Rd</div><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Happiness Beauty Salon (on the right)</div>", "maneuver": "merge", "polyline": { "points": "{cjf@yq|SoGaBsF{Ay@SmEkAcEeAy@UgAUw@OwAa@m@QSA{FyAcFyAcFqAmFuAkEgAuA_@e@G[AI@o@LEB[PWf@_@rAKb@a@jBy@|CM`@sAbFq@rCCHK^y@xCm@|BcBvGoAxFa@vBMlAG|@GfAAb@?`A@|@?XFbAHhAJt@`@fCl@tC`@pA@D@DNb@J\\FN?@L^Nd@h@zAb@fANZbAnBvCzFjHzLpCtEnDbGj@|@" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.446855299999999, "lng": 3.4282867 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "11.9 km", "value": 11870 }, "duration": { "text": "8 mins", "value": 495 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.546882, "lng": 3.3978921 }, "html_instructions": "Take the ramp onto <b>Third Mainland Bridge</b>/<b>E1</b>", "polyline": { "points": "ghlf@{aySHx@Lv@RbA@tAArBOrEa@|EAPu@dB[zAKl@OtAGhBQpHa@xFi@bDS~@CRSr@q@tBa@~@s@vAi@dAeAhBmBxCa@h@QXo@r@A@QPi@r@k@z@cBrBeBxB}A`BaAt@_BlAk@`@wA~@uAt@eAd@A?KFE@EBA?KDGBE@aAb@uC|@yCz@uE`A}Dv@gBR_DZmDNoCLqCDaDEsEQgCOeD_@yBQiB]oDs@sBe@yAe@iBo@uBy@oDyAsDeB_CoAeBy@aJmEo@YIEA?i@UaCoAaAoAkD}A_EqByBeAeKgFuD}A}By@aBk@}DoAcEkAeEcA}DcAyHqBuFyAaNoD{JiCoFuAkEgAuEgAkEw@gBYkJiA{E]aJc@iGGgE@iHLiFZuDVoCXeFl@}B\\iF`Ak@LuHbBgJpBgK|BqEbAkJtBoMpCqGfAcH|@kFb@gAF{EXyEb@uCb@oAPoDt@iFlA_EhAm@P{Bn@uA`@aB^" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.457799199999999, "lng": 3.4103833 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "7.1 km", "value": 7146 }, "duration": { "text": "7 mins", "value": 438 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.603167999999999, "lng": 3.3757652 }, "html_instructions": "Keep <b>left</b> to continue on <b>E1</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Motorways Centre (on the left in 6.9&nbsp;km)</div>", "maneuver": "keep-left", "polyline": { "points": "_u}f@ysvS}@^aDbA}Ab@mB^mBNmCLeCHuDBO@kGKaBDcBDiAH}ALu@DeBVA?YDeC`@iCb@gGpAq@HA?k@LYDUBkBVI@iCFeCDqBGC?sAEcD[uEg@qJoAyQ_CsHcAqD[uAQsBOkEOyBJkCJyHfBoHnDqE|DkGdFgH|FwN`MA@e@\\uHfG{MtKyHzFs@l@A@o@ZsAl@yKnH[VSLYRKHA@OJSNSNA@a@ZIFIFuA`AIFoFbEiAz@gBvAaBbAiAv@}JfGeBtAsFxD}@l@mF|DiBlA" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.546882, "lng": 3.3978921 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "36 m", "value": 36 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 14 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.6030288, "lng": 3.3755369 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>left</b> onto <b>Ikosi Rd</b>", "maneuver": "turn-left", "polyline": { "points": "ythg@qirSCN@JFHFDL@" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.603167999999999, "lng": 3.3757652 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.2 km", "value": 154 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 19 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.6019471, "lng": 3.3764125 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>left</b> onto <b>Lagos - Ibadan Express Road</b>", "maneuver": "turn-left", "polyline": { "points": "}shg@chrSvEmD" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.6030288, "lng": 3.3755369 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "1.5 km", "value": 1538 }, "duration": { "text": "4 mins", "value": 255 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.600469899999999, "lng": 3.3645958 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>right</b> at Federal Road Safety Corps onto <b>Ziatech Rd</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by the church (on the right in 450&nbsp;m)</div>", "maneuver": "turn-right", "polyline": { "points": "emhg@qmrStAYj@MTGRCJ?L?NBJBHDPHV\\hEtFZ\\HJDL?P?VCpAAjAKjAUnBObBI|AG~BQ~BAREvAI|AGhAA~ACbAGx@Cn@G^Qz@St@[dAQ~@Mv@ARCVEp@@t@@`AHhAHd@@J" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.6019471, "lng": 3.3764125 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "1.7 km", "value": 1747 }, "duration": { "text": "4 mins", "value": 230 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.609995899999999, "lng": 3.3528169 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>right</b> at Lasprint Lagos onto <b>Kudirat Abiola Way</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Lopez Fire Prevention Company Ltd (on the right)</div>", "maneuver": "turn-right", "polyline": { "points": "}chg@wcpSw@|@i@h@kAx@k@\\_@RoA`AuCfBsAz@QJuEjCw@^w@\\cAx@aDrDW\\{CpDgCrDcBrC}@~BABQx@Mn@U~@Mt@G~@Al@EvAADY|A[fAk@bBe@`AGFGDKDKBYH" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.600469899999999, "lng": 3.3645958 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.5 km", "value": 494 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 81 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.607381699999999, "lng": 3.3492475 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>left</b> at the church onto <b>Obafemi Awolowo Way</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by GTBank POS (on the right in 350&nbsp;m)</div>", "maneuver": "turn-left", "polyline": { "points": "o_jg@czmSl@p@v@l@~A`B`AnAzD~G^|@f@xA" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.609995899999999, "lng": 3.3528169 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.6 km", "value": 609 }, "duration": { "text": "2 mins", "value": 113 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.6105807, "lng": 3.3448339 }, "html_instructions": "At the roundabout, take the <b>1st</b> exit onto <b>Adeniyi Jones Road</b>/<b>Aromire Ave</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Continue to follow Aromire Ave</div><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Cheers Hotel (on the right)</div>", "maneuver": "roundabout-right", "polyline": { "points": "coig@ycmSA@?B?@?@?@?B?@@@GHEJEVIV{KzMg@|@m@fAq@vAo@dAMX" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.607381699999999, "lng": 3.3492475 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.5 km", "value": 472 }, "duration": { "text": "2 mins", "value": 90 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.6146322, "lng": 3.3460213 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>right</b> at Mailsafe Office onto <b>Adeniyi Jones Ave</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Moera Estate (on the left)</div>", "maneuver": "turn-right", "polyline": { "points": "ccjg@ehlSOGeBo@m@O_E}@qCm@s@Qg@Gu@KaAKi@Eu@A" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.6105807, "lng": 3.3448339 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.3 km", "value": 276 }, "duration": { "text": "2 mins", "value": 93 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.6141846, "lng": 3.3484646 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>right</b> at FACE AND BEAUTY SHOP onto <b>Alhaji Jimoh St</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by MoneyGram (on the left)</div>", "maneuver": "turn-right", "polyline": { "points": "m|jg@solSCI?E?EB]Hm@Dg@?SXaCn@gE" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.6146322, "lng": 3.3460213 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" } ], "traffic_speed_entry": [], "via_waypoint": [] } ], "overview_polyline": { "points": "}whf@gw}S^cAJSFCb@@xAv@RBN?^KTCdBC@jB@lBEPIRUVcA`AKNGV@|J{EZRlBV|GE\\DfFHbBNtBAl@I^M^Q\\yOmF]AiBk@cDcAm@OmCi@sAWcDw@{DiAcO}DeO{D_Ce@eCs@SA{FyAgMkDyL}CuA_@e@Ge@?u@P[PWf@k@vB{AhGaBdGu@|CeAxDqCtKoAxFa@vBUjCIjB@~BF|AT~B`@fCl@tCb@vAPh@`@nAlBdFzEjJ|LpSzE`IVpBRbA@tAArBOrEc@nFu@dB[zA[bCYzKa@xFi@bDWrAeAhDuAvCi@dAeAhBoCbEQXo@r@SRi@r@oCnDeBxB}A`BaDbCcC`BuAt@eAd@A?QH[LgAd@oHxBsKxBgGn@}H\\qCDaDE{Ia@_Hq@yGqAsBe@yAe@_FiBoDyAsDeBeFiCqKgFwDkBaAoAkD}AyHwDeKgFuD}A_FeB}DoAcEkAcKgCmk@eO{L}CuEgAkEw@gBYkJiA{E]aJc@iGGgE@iHLiFZeIp@cJjAuGnA}StEuk@hMqGfAcH|@sHj@{EXyEb@eFt@oDt@iFlAmFzAqEpAaB^}@^_GfBmB^mBNsGVeEDkGKaBDcBDiAHsCRgBV_Df@iCb@gGpAs@HeARaCZsCHeCDqBGwAEyJcAk]oEsHcAqD[iEa@kEOyBJkCJyHfBoHnDqE|DsPbNyNbM{IdH{MtKyHzFu@n@cChAuLfI{@l@oBxAyKhIgBvAaBbAgM~HeBtAsFxDkHjFiBlACN@JFHTFvEmDtAY`AU^C\\BTHPHV\\dFrGNX?h@E|Ca@zDObBI|AG~BQ~BGjBQfDEbDKhBYzAo@zB_@vBEj@Ep@@t@@`AHhAJp@aBfBwBvAoBtAiFbDgFvCoB|@cAx@aDrDsDnEgCrDcBrC_AbC_@hBc@tBIlBG|AY|A[fAk@bBe@`AOLWHYHl@p@v@l@~A`B`AnAzD~GfAvCAD?H@BMTOn@{KzMg@|@_B~C}@~AuBw@mFmAeE_A}ASkBQu@ACI?KLkAD{@XaCn@gE" }, "summary": "E1", "warnings": [], "waypoint_order": [] }, { "bounds": { "northeast": { "lat": 6.6146546, "lng": 3.4347352 }, "southwest": { "lat": 6.436230399999999, "lng": 3.3370613 } }, "copyrights": "Map data ©2017 Google", "legs": [ { "distance": { "text": "28.4 km", "value": 28415 }, "duration": { "text": "47 mins", "value": 2841 }, "end_address": "Aba Johnson Cres, Ikeja, Nigeria", "end_location": { "lat": 6.6141846, "lng": 3.3484646 }, "start_address": "1004 Housing Estate, Lagos, Nigeria", "start_location": { "lat": 6.439825099999999, "lng": 3.4342838 }, "steps": [ { "distance": { "text": "54 m", "value": 54 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 14 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.4396092, "lng": 3.4347191 }, "html_instructions": "Head <b>southeast</b>", "polyline": { "points": "}whf@gw}SDGX{@JS" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.439825099999999, "lng": 3.4342838 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.6 km", "value": 642 }, "duration": { "text": "4 mins", "value": 256 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.438580399999999, "lng": 3.430691 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>right</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Crescent School (on the left)</div>", "maneuver": "turn-right", "polyline": { "points": "qvhf@_z}SFCb@@xAv@RBN?XIDATCdBC?~@@j@@r@?x@EN?@IRUVcA`AKNCFCNAL@pB@zF?@" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.4396092, "lng": 3.4347191 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.1 km", "value": 123 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 57 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.4396776, "lng": 3.4305469 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>right</b> onto <b>Adetokunbo Ademola Street</b>", "maneuver": "turn-right", "polyline": { "points": "cphf@y`}ScEVWB" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.438580399999999, "lng": 3.430691 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "2.6 km", "value": 2617 }, "duration": { "text": "4 mins", "value": 236 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.437367099999999, "lng": 3.4079342 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>left</b> onto <b>Lekki - Epe Express Way</b>/<b>Ozumba Mbadiwe Rd</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Continue to follow Ozumba Mbadiwe Rd</div><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Oniru Beach (on the right in 1.3&nbsp;km)</div>", "maneuver": "turn-left", "polyline": { "points": "_whf@}_}SBPNzATjG@PJ`EBZD`@P`Af@lEVfADLn@vChBbFLd@Ph@FPVp@Rp@x@~Bn@`CV`Bv@nEPzAHr@PxAJl@NhAD\\Fd@JdAFx@@n@BlAAz@C|@Cf@M`BGp@SdBKj@UhAc@lAQh@Wr@_AzB_@x@[r@q@|AMh@Kl@E\\CTCh@C`@@j@Db@Fj@DXNl@J\\N`@Rf@p@tAHTBP@V" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.4396776, "lng": 3.4305469 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.3 km", "value": 275 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 43 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.4389083, "lng": 3.4060271 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>right</b> toward <b>Ahmadu Bello Way</b>", "maneuver": "turn-right", "polyline": { "points": "qhhf@qrxSs@h@q@h@]\\MNGFc@n@u@jAa@n@Uh@GZ" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.437367099999999, "lng": 3.4079342 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.3 km", "value": 253 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 25 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.440191599999999, "lng": 3.4041416 }, "html_instructions": "Slight <b>right</b> onto <b>Ahmadu Bello Way</b>", "maneuver": "turn-slight-right", "polyline": { "points": "erhf@ufxSOXoF~I" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.4389083, "lng": 3.4060271 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.2 km", "value": 220 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 23 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.4413147, "lng": 3.4024985 }, "html_instructions": "Continue onto <b>Muson Access Road</b>", "polyline": { "points": "ezhf@{zwSW^wDrGOR" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.440191599999999, "lng": 3.4041416 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "2.4 km", "value": 2409 }, "duration": { "text": "2 mins", "value": 140 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.452985699999999, "lng": 3.3842485 }, "html_instructions": "Take the ramp on the <b>left</b> onto <b>Ring Rd</b>/<b>E1</b>", "polyline": { "points": "eaif@spwSeAjAKr@Ib@k@zA[l@IJSVcA~@{AzASXUZo@|@k@jAITK^eDtFo@z@KRmAlBcA`BaBhCaBjCwDdGaHnLMVKTq@pAq@nAm@rA_B~C[p@q@~AsDjI_BrD}BdFc@~@" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.4413147, "lng": 3.4024985 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "2.2 km", "value": 2198 }, "duration": { "text": "3 mins", "value": 166 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.47025, "lng": 3.3775511 }, "html_instructions": "Continue onto <b>Apongbon St</b>", "polyline": { "points": "ejkf@q~sSO`@O^o@zAc@z@]l@g@j@_AfAy@`@C@GBA@QHcC`@A?M@{AIsAYIAeBi@kBm@GCuB_@QAwAK[?wAB_@@s@DaAL_Dv@o@Rk@Tm@TmAl@}@f@KFMFOH_FbC_MfGMDOHqElC_Cx@KDE@y@PoCl@qCj@m@No@NMBODa@JYF" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.452985699999999, "lng": 3.3842485 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "2.2 km", "value": 2164 }, "duration": { "text": "2 mins", "value": 112 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.4847834, "lng": 3.3652852 }, "html_instructions": "Keep <b>left</b> to continue on <b>Eko Bridge</b>", "maneuver": "keep-left", "polyline": { "points": "avnf@utrSq@Pg@NeCh@yCn@}AZm@Ju@RkBb@cBj@mB|@aDvBqAfAaA`AoBhC}A|BwC`Ea@j@}AxBwBnCmAlBqBrCc@h@_@f@A@oBrCEFA?GHEDIH?@qCtCsAnAaBpAuAbAsA|@yA~@i@T_Al@" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.47025, "lng": 3.3775511 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.5 km", "value": 549 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 36 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.4893792, "lng": 3.3634726 }, "html_instructions": "Continue onto <b>Funsho Williams</b>", "polyline": { "points": "{pqf@ahpS_FjBuBh@C@C@KBWF_Dx@iAXwA\\}Bl@YH{@Z" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.4847834, "lng": 3.3652852 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.1 km", "value": 144 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 10 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.490595799999999, "lng": 3.3630288 }, "html_instructions": "Continue onto <b>Western Avenue</b>", "polyline": { "points": "smrf@u|oSiBd@_@LiBb@" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.4893792, "lng": 3.3634726 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" 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3.3647077 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.2 km", "value": 184 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 20 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.564078299999999, "lng": 3.367002 }, "html_instructions": "Take the exit", "maneuver": "ramp-right", "polyline": { "points": "mv`g@krpSOSiFBgAB" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.5624651, "lng": 3.3669413 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.9 km", "value": 851 }, "duration": { "text": "2 mins", "value": 134 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.5716244, "lng": 3.367905 }, "html_instructions": "Keep <b>right</b>", "maneuver": "keep-right", "polyline": { "points": "o`ag@wrpSiD?sEBoCAO?eCEmAEcAEqBM}BU{@K}@OcDm@uCq@IC" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.564078299999999, "lng": 3.367002 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "52 m", "value": 52 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 18 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.5717916, "lng": 3.3674681 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>left</b> onto <b>Independence Bridge</b>", "maneuver": "turn-left", "polyline": { "points": "sobg@kxpSa@tA" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.5716244, "lng": 3.367905 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "4.1 km", "value": 4135 }, "duration": { "text": "7 mins", "value": 390 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.5922638, "lng": 3.3424168 }, "html_instructions": "At Mobil Filling Station Maryland, continue onto <b>Mobolaji Bank Anthony Way</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Izu God Ventures (on the right in 3.8&nbsp;km)</div>", "polyline": { "points": "upbg@uupSu@xCK`@gAbEi@lBqA`Fg@pAc@|@s@x@mAt@sE~A_F~AgGlBoCz@kBh@oF|AsDhA_Bd@wDhAiDbA}Bp@k@PuDlAoDhAqBn@eA\\_D~@q@Vg@Py@b@mAx@}@v@eAtAk@x@KV]v@c@vAc@~Bk@|D[~BOnAu@hFc@fC[hAkC~FyAzCeAvBIRk@hAWt@[r@Sf@KXYh@k@nAGRCLQt@CLAFCR?@?J@NBNBJBFDHHNJd@d@x@nAdApAr@~AtA" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.5717916, "lng": 3.3674681 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.3 km", "value": 314 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 53 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.5949298, "lng": 3.3415673 }, "html_instructions": "Sharp <b>right</b> at Mobolaji Bank onto <b>Kodesoh St</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Onyiichrist (on the right)</div>", "maneuver": "turn-sharp-right", "polyline": { "points": "spfg@cykSwBJmAPqCdAc@N}Ad@{@N" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.5922638, "lng": 3.3424168 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.5 km", "value": 513 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 64 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.5991396, "lng": 3.3397456 }, "html_instructions": "Keep <b>left</b> to continue on <b>Ikeja Bridge</b>/<b>Kodesoh St</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Jkiki Ventures (on the right)</div>", "maneuver": "keep-left", "polyline": { "points": "iagg@yskSG@o@NW@qANA@K@_@DuAZcBl@GBIBC@g@RQHE@GBuAn@wDdBsAn@" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.5949298, "lng": 3.3415673 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.7 km", "value": 690 }, "duration": { "text": "2 mins", "value": 94 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.604720599999999, "lng": 3.3370613 }, "html_instructions": "At IMS Computer Training School, continue onto <b>Oba Akran Ave</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by FCMB Bank (on the right)</div>", "polyline": { "points": "s{gg@mhkSWNa@NqG~C_IlD]LkDdAwBl@qAT{@R" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.5991396, "lng": 3.3397456 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "1.6 km", "value": 1560 }, "duration": { "text": "4 mins", "value": 259 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.6146322, "lng": 3.3460213 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>right</b> at Tower Company onto <b>Adeniyi Jones Ave</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Mainstreet Bank (on the left)</div>", "maneuver": "turn-right", "polyline": { "points": "o~hg@swjSAIy@eCs@qAqAgBk@o@sAmBwFiK_B}Bk@_Ay@kA_@w@sDkEcAaA{@i@_Ae@OGeBo@m@O_E}@qCm@s@Qg@Gu@KaAKi@Eu@A" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.604720599999999, "lng": 3.3370613 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.3 km", "value": 276 }, "duration": { "text": "2 mins", "value": 93 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.6141846, "lng": 3.3484646 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>right</b> at FACE AND BEAUTY SHOP onto <b>Alhaji Jimoh St</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by MoneyGram (on the left)</div><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Destination will be on the right</div>", "maneuver": "turn-right", "polyline": { "points": "m|jg@solSCI?E?EB]Hm@Dg@?SXaCn@gE" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.6146322, "lng": 3.3460213 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" } ], "traffic_speed_entry": [], "via_waypoint": [ { "location": { "lat": 6.5740954, "lng": 3.3626167 }, "step_index": 17, "step_interpolation": 0.1461602473511076 } ] } ], "overview_polyline": { "points": "}whf@gw}S^cAJSFCb@@xAv@RBN?^KTCdBC@jB@lBEPIRUVcA`AKNGV@|J{EZRlBf@zND`@P`Af@lEVfAt@dDhBbFLd@Xz@j@bBx@~Bn@`CnApHx@vGh@rEHhB@hCGdBUrC_@pCUhAc@lAi@|A_BtDmApCYvAIr@GjAFnALdAZjAb@hAz@jBDh@eBrAk@l@k@v@wAzBUh@GZ_GxJoErHuA~AUvAk@zA[l@]b@_DzCi@t@o@|@k@jAUt@eDtFo@z@KRqCnEcEtGwDdGaHnLYl@cB`DmCrFmApCuLdX_@`Ao@zAc@z@]l@g@j@_AfAy@`@KDA@QHcC`@O@{AIsAYIAqEwA}Bc@iBMsBBsAFaAL_Dv@{Ah@{BbAgB`A}TzKqElC_Cx@QFiKzBoBd@kAXmDx@wFjAcB^kBb@cBj@mB|@aDvBsChCmEfGyDlF}AxBwBnC_E`GcApAyB|CWZqCtCsAnAwDtCmD|BiBbA_FjBuBh@GBmG~AuEjAuAd@mIxBwO~DgB\\cBTcAJoAF_D@_Fa@m@IgEm@sB_@q@OoHgCqBc@}Aa@kFyAeB_@wBc@aAG}ABuBRiDh@aK|Ac@Hq@BoAD{AAwBYwBe@yBa@gOkDgE}@_B]cDy@mBe@mBm@eAi@q@e@wAkAeC_CuAy@{@[qAK}BA{@DmFFgG?iRJuKHuWJgWPuICgM?mHEeKH}HFaC?gHFsONi]RyED{GA_GJiC@iM@e@?OSqHF}JB_DAsEKuDSyDa@aF}@_Du@wAnFoEtPkAnCs@x@mAt@sL~DwKhDoRvFkOpE}OdFqEvAaBt@mAx@}@v@qBnCi@nAc@vAc@~BgA|HeAxHc@fC[hAkC~FyAzCoAjCk@hAsAjDeAxBK`@[~ADl@Vl@Jd@d@x@nAdApAr@~AtAwBJmAPqCdAaCt@cAPgAPsAPk@FuAZcBl@QFk@TuB~@eItDqG~C_IlDiErAwBl@qAT{@RAIy@eCs@qA}BwCsAmBwFiKkC}Dy@kA_@w@sDkEcAaA{BoAuBw@sLmC}ASkBQu@ACI?KLkAD{@XaCn@gE" }, "summary": "Bayo Shodipo", "warnings": [], "waypoint_order": [] }, { "bounds": { "northeast": { "lat": 6.6150158, "lng": 3.4347352 }, "southwest": { "lat": 6.437963099999999, "lng": 3.3283646 } }, "copyrights": "Map data ©2017 Google", "legs": [ { "distance": { "text": "33.8 km", "value": 33798 }, "duration": { "text": "48 mins", "value": 2884 }, "end_address": "Aba Johnson Cres, Ikeja, Nigeria", "end_location": { "lat": 6.6141846, "lng": 3.3484646 }, "start_address": "1004 Housing Estate, Lagos, Nigeria", "start_location": { "lat": 6.439825099999999, "lng": 3.4342838 }, "steps": [ { "distance": { "text": "54 m", "value": 54 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 14 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.4396092, "lng": 3.4347191 }, "html_instructions": "Head <b>southeast</b>", "polyline": { "points": "}whf@gw}SDGX{@JS" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.439825099999999, "lng": 3.4342838 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.6 km", "value": 642 }, "duration": { "text": "4 mins", "value": 256 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.438580399999999, "lng": 3.430691 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>right</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Crescent School (on the left)</div>", "maneuver": "turn-right", "polyline": { "points": "qvhf@_z}SFCb@@xAv@RBN?XIDATCdBC?~@@j@@r@?x@EN?@IRUVcA`AKNCFCNAL@pB@zF?@" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.4396092, "lng": 3.4347191 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.1 km", "value": 123 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 57 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.4396776, "lng": 3.4305469 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>right</b> onto <b>Adetokunbo Ademola Street</b>", "maneuver": "turn-right", "polyline": { "points": "cphf@y`}ScEVWB" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.438580399999999, "lng": 3.430691 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.2 km", "value": 220 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 23 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.4394621, "lng": 3.4285655 }, "html_instructions": "Turn 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"start_location": { "lat": 6.4395492, "lng": 3.4254725 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.5 km", "value": 545 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 35 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.446855299999999, "lng": 3.4282867 }, "html_instructions": "Slight <b>left</b> at the church", "maneuver": "turn-slight-left", "polyline": { "points": "_gif@sg|S]AiBk@cDcAm@OuAYw@O{@OWGcDw@{DiA" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.4422378, "lng": 3.4266568 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "4.3 km", "value": 4318 }, "duration": { "text": "6 mins", "value": 342 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.457799199999999, "lng": 3.4103833 }, "html_instructions": "Merge onto <b>Alfred Rewane (Kingsway) Rd</b>/<b>Kingsway Rd</b>/<b>Osborne Rd</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Continue to follow Osborne Rd</div><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Happiness Beauty Salon (on the right)</div>", "maneuver": "merge", "polyline": { "points": "{cjf@yq|SoGaBsF{Ay@SmEkAcEeAy@UgAUw@OwAa@m@QSA{FyAcFyAcFqAmFuAkEgAuA_@e@G[AI@o@LEB[PWf@_@rAKb@a@jBy@|CM`@sAbFq@rCCHK^y@xCm@|BcBvGoAxFa@vBMlAG|@GfAAb@?`A@|@?XFbAHhAJt@`@fCl@tC`@pA@D@DNb@J\\FN?@L^Nd@h@zAb@fANZbAnBvCzFjHzLpCtEnDbGj@|@" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.446855299999999, "lng": 3.4282867 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "11.9 km", "value": 11870 }, "duration": { "text": "8 mins", "value": 495 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.546882, "lng": 3.3978921 }, "html_instructions": "Take the ramp onto <b>Third Mainland Bridge</b>/<b>E1</b>", "polyline": { "points": "ghlf@{aySHx@Lv@RbA@tAArBOrEa@|EAPu@dB[zAKl@OtAGhBQpHa@xFi@bDS~@CRSr@q@tBa@~@s@vAi@dAeAhBmBxCa@h@QXo@r@A@QPi@r@k@z@cBrBeBxB}A`BaAt@_BlAk@`@wA~@uAt@eAd@A?KFE@EBA?KDGBE@aAb@uC|@yCz@uE`A}Dv@gBR_DZmDNoCLqCDaDEsEQgCOeD_@yBQiB]oDs@sBe@yAe@iBo@uBy@oDyAsDeB_CoAeBy@aJmEo@YIEA?i@UaCoAaAoAkD}A_EqByBeAeKgFuD}A}By@aBk@}DoAcEkAeEcA}DcAyHqBuFyAaNoD{JiCoFuAkEgAuEgAkEw@gBYkJiA{E]aJc@iGGgE@iHLiFZuDVoCXeFl@}B\\iF`Ak@LuHbBgJpBgK|BqEbAkJtBoMpCqGfAcH|@kFb@gAF{EXyEb@uCb@oAPoDt@iFlA_EhAm@P{Bn@uA`@aB^" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.457799199999999, "lng": 3.4103833 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.6 km", "value": 643 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 35 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.5505875, "lng": 3.394398 }, "html_instructions": "Take the exit toward <b>Apapa Oworonshoki Express Way</b>", "maneuver": "ramp-right", "polyline": { "points": "_u}f@ysvSo@LOBWFa@Fw@Bg@@g@BiANYHYF}@VkAp@CBSPi@h@EFYZKVi@vAQr@ELIXM|@IbAA`@?z@AB?BABCD" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.546882, "lng": 3.3978921 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "5.4 km", "value": 5365 }, "duration": { "text": "5 mins", "value": 324 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.555399599999999, "lng": 3.3507085 }, "html_instructions": "Continue onto <b>Apapa Oworonshoki Express Way</b>", "polyline": { "points": "el~f@_~uSDx@FjA@f@Hp@Ht@Lt@Jj@DNdApF@H?@Nr@jAtGl@dERbANlAVpAl@jDBRBLTjAp@bE\\hBh@bFH~DKjC?@a@fDi@zC_@~@W|@ABSb@cAtBmAhBwCbDIFsBrB_E~DcAbA}A~AqDlDo@n@_B`B}AnAkChCeA`AqBpByBzBaAfAk@bAgApBm@tAe@|AOh@Mj@E\\Gb@KjAEn@@lEBjH@p@FtLDdHHvKFrBJjAV~ALd@Pr@Pf@Rh@X|@DNFRnA|DpB~FlAjDVt@Xp@FRFRTt@@B@DDN@DRv@HXFV\\fA" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.5505875, "lng": 3.394398 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.1 km", "value": 139 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 42 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.556165399999999, "lng": 3.3505839 }, "html_instructions": "Take the exit toward <b>Oshodi - Oworonshoki Express Way Service Lane</b>", "maneuver": "ramp-right", "polyline": { "points": "gj_g@}lmS@V?J?PEHCDIFMFOBK@Q?QEOIOSY]" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.555399599999999, "lng": 3.3507085 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.1 km", "value": 121 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 88 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.556604099999999, "lng": 3.3515837 }, "html_instructions": "Continue onto <b>Oshodi - Oworonshoki Express Way Service Lane</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Atunrsse Enterprises (on the left)</div>", "polyline": { "points": "ao_g@clmSUc@MUCGa@gBK]" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.556165399999999, "lng": 3.3505839 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "5.3 km", "value": 5339 }, "duration": { "text": "9 mins", "value": 534 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.6010991, "lng": 3.3334796 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>left</b> onto <b>Agege Motor Rd</b>/<b>A5</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Continue to follow A5</div><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by the bridge (on the left)</div>", "maneuver": "turn-left", "polyline": { "points": "wq_g@krmSUFeEjAMDm@PmA\\uA^gDlAcAZuFfByAh@mAZsBj@iAZcD~@m@VeGtB}@^eFrBsBl@sEtAgD`AeAZmCz@gCv@SFaDbAwCx@}C`A{UhH}C`AiOjEyJ~C_EhA_AX{EvAg@PyGrByOrEkDbAcAZ[JUBaA\\sBh@aBh@kGzBcAZqEtAA@cARmBb@}@TcD~@y@Vg@JkG~AkIdCKB}C|@" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.556604099999999, "lng": 3.3515837 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "1.5 km", "value": 1473 }, "duration": { "text": "2 mins", "value": 129 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.6133323, "lng": 3.3283646 }, "html_instructions": "Keep <b>right</b> to continue on <b>Agege Motor Rd</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Oando - Agege Bye Pass Service Station (on the left in 550&nbsp;m)</div>", "maneuver": "keep-right", "polyline": { "points": "{ghg@gajSwC~@kI~Bo@PoBn@qDjAoGfBaJjC}Bv@sC|@q@TqBt@oPzF" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.6010991, "lng": 3.3334796 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.8 km", "value": 822 }, "duration": { "text": "3 mins", "value": 164 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.6141663, "lng": 3.3357574 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>right</b> at Trailer Garage onto <b>Akanni Doherty Street</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by Wecis Clothing (on the right)</div>", "maneuver": "turn-right", "polyline": { "points": "itjg@gaiSACKq@C]G[MsBIgBCc@AOM_BUaG?CS}Do@qNGq@" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.6133323, "lng": 3.3283646 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "33 m", "value": 33 }, "duration": { "text": "1 min", "value": 26 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.6144669, "lng": 3.3357451 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>left</b> at Guaranty Trust Bank onto <b>Oba Akran Ave</b>", "maneuver": "turn-left", "polyline": { "points": "qyjg@oojS{@@" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.6141663, "lng": 3.3357574 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "1.1 km", "value": 1141 }, "duration": { "text": "3 mins", "value": 151 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.6146322, "lng": 3.3460213 }, "html_instructions": "Turn <b>right</b> onto <b>Ladipo Oluwole Ave</b>/<b>Ladipo Oluwole Street</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by T - Loops Fashion (on the right)</div>", "maneuver": "turn-right", "polyline": { "points": "m{jg@mojSk@mJWcCOcDKsDKsBC{B@{@D_BDyADeADeANsBNeFPoCD}@Aa@" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.6144669, "lng": 3.3357451 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" }, { "distance": { "text": "0.3 km", "value": 276 }, "duration": { "text": "2 mins", "value": 90 }, "end_location": { "lat": 6.6141846, "lng": 3.3484646 }, "html_instructions": "At FACE AND BEAUTY SHOP, continue onto <b>Alhaji Jimoh St</b><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Pass by MoneyGram (on the left)</div><div style=\"font-size:0.9em\">Destination will be on the right</div>", "polyline": { "points": "m|jg@solSCI?E?EB]Hm@Dg@?SXaCn@gE" }, "start_location": { "lat": 6.6146322, "lng": 3.3460213 }, "travel_mode": "DRIVING" } ], "traffic_speed_entry": [], "via_waypoint": [ { "location": { "lat": 6.5569131, "lng": 3.3542518 }, "step_index": 10, "step_interpolation": 0.9205350760749796 } ] } ], "overview_polyline": { "points": "}whf@gw}S^cAJSFCb@@xAv@RBN?^KTCdBC@jB@lBEPIRUVcA`AKNGV@|J{EZRlBV|GE\\DfFHbBNtBAl@I^M^Q\\yOmF]AiBk@cDcAm@OmCi@sAWcDw@{DiAcO}DeO{D_Ce@eCs@SA{FyAgMkDyL}CuA_@e@Ge@?u@P[PWf@k@vB{AhGaBdGu@|CeAxDqCtKoAxFa@vBUjCIjB@~BF|AT~B`@fCl@tCb@vAPh@`@nAlBdFzEjJ|LpSzE`IVpBRbA@tAArBOrEc@nFu@dB[zA[bCYzKa@xFi@bDWrAeAhDuAvCi@dAeAhBoCbEQXo@r@SRi@r@oCnDeBxB}A`BaDbCcC`BuAt@eAd@A?QH[LgAd@oHxBsKxBgGn@}H\\qCDaDE{Ia@_Hq@yGqAsBe@yAe@_FiBoDyAsDeBeFiCqKgFwDkBaAoAkD}AyHwDeKgFuD}A_FeB}DoAcEkAcKgCmk@eO{L}CuEgAkEw@gBYkJiA{E]aJc@iGGgE@iHLiFZeIp@cJjAuGnA}StEuk@hMqGfAcH|@sHj@{EXyEb@eFt@oDt@iFlAmFzAqEpAqCl@g@Ja@Fw@BoADcBXwA^oAt@}A~Au@nBW`AIXM|@KdBCfACDDx@HrBRfBX`BlAlGzAhI`AhGf@~Cp@~DhBfKh@bFH~DKlCa@fDi@zCw@|BUf@cAtBmAhBaDjDsHrHcK`K_B`B}AnAqEjEkFlFaAfAk@bAgApBm@tAu@fCShASnBEn@@lED|ILzUPjOJjAV~A^xAdA~CvApE~DjL`AnC~@fDd@~A@b@EZML]J]@a@Oi@q@c@y@e@oBK]UFsEpA{Bn@uA^gDlAyHbCyAh@mAZ}DfAcD~@m@VcItCeFrBsBl@{JvCsEvAuM|DyZjJgTlGyJ~C_EhA{GpBaIdCeUvG_Bf@UBaA\\uErAoIvCsEvAqDv@aFtAaBb@kG~AkIdCiD`AwC~@kI~B_D`AqDjAoGfBaJjC}Bv@eErAaTpHMu@Ky@]oGM_BUaGSaEw@cP{@@k@mJWcCOcDWgHAwDJyDJkCNsBNeFVmEEk@?KLkAD{@XaCn@gE" }, "summary": "Third Mainland Bridge/E1", "warnings": [], "waypoint_order": [] } ], "status": "OK" } routes = data.routes invariant = routes.pop() l = _.reduce(routes, (invariant, route) => { console.log('insde fucn', 'whatagwan) invariant_leg = invariant.legs[0] route_leg = route.legs[0] if (route_leg.distance.value < invariant_leg.distance.value) { invariant = route } }, invariant) console.log(invariant, l)