Sorting benchmark

node v14.20.1
version: 2.0.0
require('regenerator-runtime/runtime'); const {increasing} = require('@aureooms/js-compare'); const {issorted} = require("@aureooms/js-sort"); const {sorted} = require('@aureooms/js-itertools'); const array = require('@aureooms/js-array'); const totalOrder = require('total-order').default; const isSameSet = (A,B) => totalOrder(sorted(increasing, A), sorted(increasing, B)) === 0; const isSorted = (array) => issorted(increasing, array, 0, array.length) === array.length;
Radix sort
const {radixsort} = require("radixsort");
Quick sort
const {singletco, dualtco} = require('@aureooms/js-quicksort'); const {yaroslavskiy, hoare, lomuto} = require('@aureooms/js-partition'); const {shuffle} = require('@aureooms/js-random'); const quicksort_yaro = dualtco(yaroslavskiy); const quicksort_hoar = singletco(hoare); const quicksort_lomu = singletco(lomuto);
Merge sort
const {tapemerge} = require('@aureooms/js-merging'); const {recursive, iterative} = require('@aureooms/js-mergesort'); const mergesort_recu = recursive(tapemerge, array.copy); const mergesort_iter = iterative(tapemerge, array.copy);
const N = 1 << 16; const randomFloat32 = () => { const sign = Math.random() < .5 ? 1 : -1; const base = (Math.random() - .5) * 100; const exponent = (Math.random() - .5) * 100; return sign * Math.exp(base, exponent) ; }; const treference = new Float32Array(N); array.fillfn(treference, 0, N, randomFloat32); const reference = array.alloc(N); array.copy(treference, 0, N, reference, 0); delete treference; Object.freeze(reference); // Copy to normal array. const a = array.alloc(N); const ta = new Float32Array(N); array.copy(reference, 0, N, a, 0); array.copy(reference, 0, N, ta, 0);
const Benchmark = require('benchmark'); const suite = new Benchmark.Suite("Sorting benchmark");
const output = {}; const setup = function(){}; const setupQuicksort = function(){ let tmp; }; //const setupMergesort = function(){ // let tmp1; // const tmp2 = new Float32Array(N); // For some reason N is not defined //}; suite .add('NOP (slice)', function() { output[] = ta.slice(); }, {setup}) .add('NOP (slice + shuffle)', function() { tmp = ta.slice(); shuffle(tmp, 0, tmp.length); output[] = tmp; }, {setup: setupQuicksort}) .add('Array.prototype.sort', function() { output[] = a.slice().sort(increasing); }, {setup}) .add('Float32Array.prototype.sort', function() { output[] = ta.slice().sort(increasing); }, {setup}) .add('npm/radixsort', function() { output[] = radixsort(ta.slice()); }, {setup}) .add('npm/@aureooms/js-quicksort (hoare)', function() { tmp = ta.slice(); shuffle(tmp, 0, tmp.length); quicksort_hoar(increasing, tmp, 0, tmp.length); output[] = tmp; }, {setup: setupQuicksort}) .add('npm/@aureooms/js-quicksort (lomuto)', function() { tmp = ta.slice(); shuffle(tmp, 0, tmp.length); quicksort_lomu(increasing, tmp, 0, tmp.length); output[] = tmp; }, {setup: setupQuicksort}) .add('npm/@aureooms/js-quicksort (yaroslavskiy)', function() { tmp = ta.slice(); shuffle(tmp, 0, tmp.length); quicksort_yaro(increasing, tmp, 0, tmp.length); output[] = tmp; }, {setup: setupQuicksort}) .add('npm/@aureooms/js-mergesort (recursive)', function() { const tmp1 = ta.slice(); const tmp2 = new Float32Array(N); mergesort_recu(increasing, tmp1, 0, tmp1.length, tmp2, 0, tmp2.length); output[] = tmp2; }, {setup}) .add('npm/@aureooms/js-mergesort (iterative)', function() { const tmp1 = ta.slice(); const tmp2 = new Float32Array(N); mergesort_iter(increasing, tmp1, 0, tmp1.length, tmp2, 0, tmp2.length); output[] = tmp2; }, {setup}) .on('cycle', function(event) { console.log(String(; }) .on('complete', function() { console.log('Fastest is ' + Benchmark.filter(this.filter(x =>,3) !== 'NOP'), 'fastest').map(x =>; }) // do not run async .run({ 'async': false });
const isCorrect = (title, output) => { console.assert(isSorted(output), `The output of ${title} is not sorted.`); console.assert(isSameSet(reference, output), `The output of ${title} does not contain the correct elements.`); } ;
console.log(`Checking output of ${Object.keys(output).join(', ')}...`, Object.keys(output)); for (const [title, out] of Object.entries(output)) isCorrect(title, out);

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