JWE Encryption

node v8.17.0
version: 1.0.0
Create an Encrypted JWT (JWE)
Set up dependencies and aliaes:
const { JWK } = require('node-jose'); const { JWE } = require('node-jose');
Set content encryption algorithm:
var contentAlg = "A256CBC-HS512";
Get he server/recipient key
var skey = { "kty": "RSA", "kid":"pdmN_UI10XD6wy44jm-JkHmJOFxevse_2jio8cH1lRw", "use": "enc", "n":"3ZWrUY0Y6IKN1qI4BhxR2C7oHVFgGPYkd38uGq1jQNSqEvJFcN93CYm16_G78FAFKWqwsJb3Wx-nbxDn6LtP4AhULB1H0K0g7_jLklDAHvI8yhOKlvoyvsUFPWtNxlJyh5JJXvkNKV_4Oo12e69f8QCuQ6NpEPl-cSvXIqUYBCs", "e": "AQAB", "alg": "RSA-OAEP", "key_ops":["wrap","verify"] };
Make the server/recipient key a JWK:
var key = await JWK.asKey(skey);
Create the token payload/claim set:
var payload = JSON.stringify({"sub": "1234567890", "name": "Eric D.", "role": "admin","iat": 1516239022});
Set up the encryption options:
var options = { compact: true, contentAlg: contentAlg, protect: Object.keys( { "alg": key.alg, "kid": key.kid, "enc": contentAlg }), fields: { "alg": key.alg, "kid": key.kid, "enc": contentAlg } };
encrypt. the payload should be read in as a "utf8" encoding. Buffer automatically generated in update().
var token = await JWE.createEncrypt(options, key).update(payload, "utf8").final();

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