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coinmarketcap all list API

node v4.9.1
version: 1.0.0
var base = 'https://coinmarketcap.com/all/views/all/' var endpoint = require("@runkit/runkit/json-endpoint/1.0.0") var got = require("got") var cheerio = require("cheerio") var trim = require('trim') endpoint(module.exports, function(req, done) { var url = base doit(url, done) }) function doit(url, done){ got(url) .then(response => { var $ = cheerio.load(response.body) var db = [] $('tr').each((i, e) => { var el = $(e) var ob = {} ob.id = el.attr('id') ob.name = trim(el.find('.currency-name-container').text()) ob.sym = trim(el.find('.col-symbol').text()) ob.cap = trim(el.find('.market-cap').text()) ob.price = trim(el.find('.price').text()) ob.circ = trim(el.find('.circulating-supply').text()) ob.vol = trim(el.find('.volume').text()) ob.h = trim(el.find('.percent-1h').text()) ob.d = trim(el.find('.percent-24h').text()) ob.w = trim(el.find('.percent-7d').text()) if(ob.id && ob.id !== '') db.push(ob) }) done({ items: db }) }) } //doit(base, (res) => console.log(res.items[0]))

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